Each day, The 12 Days of Apple Stores widget featured an illustration of a notable store and its design story alongside talented local artists. I’ve turned all 12 illustrations into high resolution wallpapers you can download below.

If you’d like to revisit any of the 12 days or are just learning about the widget now, an archive of the entire project is available to browse for a limited time. I’d love to build more interactive experiences for the community in the future. If you have feedback, comments, or suggestions, please drop me a line.

Follow along on Twitter for daily Apple Store news.

Day 1 — Spotlight: New York City

Download Wallpaper

Day 2 — Spotlight: Germany

Day 3 — Spotlight: Colorado

Day 4 — Spotlight: Canada

Day 5 — Spotlight: California

Day 6 — Spotlight: Australia

Day 7 — Spotlight: Southern US

Day 8 — Spotlight: UK

Day 9 — Spotlight: Northeastern US

Day 10 — Spotlight: Midwestern US

Day 11 — Spotlight: Northwestern US

Day 12 — Spotlight: Singapore